Karin Biggs

Karin earned her bachelor’s degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Purdue University and served as an event planner for two Big 10 universities and various non-profits for over eight years before becoming a stay-at-home-mom.

She enjoys chocolate-covered peanuts, uninterrupted sleep, and singing with other people. Karin lives in Ohio with her husband, daughter, son, cat, and dog.

How did you come up with the idea for your book?

I was inspired by a mixture of my own life experience as a singer in numerous performance groups, a very vivid dream I had about seven years ago, and countless hours of daydreams. Plus, the romantic plot was loosely inspired by my own romantic plot with my husband.

What do you love about being an author?

I love that my imagination might help a reader to escape for a while!